Great grilling gizmos from Quirky
Regular readers might remember our review of the Quirky online store. What's cool about Quirky is this: all the items sold on the site are conceived, designed and marketed through crowdsourcing. That is, groups of individuals gather on the website and collaborate to develop the products sold there. (It's a ...
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Squeezing into Warsaw’s Keret House
If you had walked down Zelazna Street in Warsaw prior to 2012, it is unlikely you would have noticed a narrow alley next to #74. Like so many throughout the Polish capital and other large cities, the unremarkable alley smelled of urine and was used by local residents as an ...
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A stay in the nature-centric Juvet Hotel
There are all kinds of hotel categories: boutique hotels, eco hotels, heritage hotels, apartment hotels and capsule hotels, to name a few. (To say nothing of motels, hostels, lodges, resorts, inns, pensions, guest houses, flophouses, bunkhouses, bed and breakfasts, holiday cottages and caravanserai). But chances are you've never stayed at ...
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ECOntainer spans what was Israel’s largest dump
Shipping containers. Is there anything they can't do for the environmentally-conscious architect?
Shipping containers can be stacked and arranged into all manner of cool buildings. They've been fashioned into a shipping container amphitheater. They've been melded into a shipping container office park. Outside of Seattle, you can even order an ...
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Chairs and tables inspired by video games, sci-fi movies
Spot Cool Stuff previously reviewed 10 creative pieces of jewelry geeks will love. If are thusly geek-inclined but looking for less of a personal accessory and more for something around-the-house, consider one of these five pieces of geek-friendly furniture. Each was inspired by a video game or a science fiction ...
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A cool video of how one homeowner did it
Spot Cool Stuff has written before about installing hidden doors inside your home — secret passageways from one room to another. But hidden doors can also also be on the outside of a house. And, as the video below shows, they aren't necessarily that difficult to install. The key is ...
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