Books + stairs = cool architecture
Spot Cool Stuff loves books. And we love creative staircases. So it isn't surprising that we're drawn to cool stuff at the confluence of both.
Here's a look at two unusual architectural designs that combine stairs with bookshelves. Has it happens, both are located in London. And neither has an owner ...
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Slip-proof hot pads, cutting boards and mixing bowls
Durable, environmentally friendly and cool looking. Those are the first three adjectives that come to mind when we think of Architec Housewares, one of Spot Cool Stuff's favorite designers of cookware.
What Architec's hot pads, cutting boards and mixing bowls are best known for, though, are their non-slip properties. ...
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A trench bridge parts the waters
When at water level, you can't really see the bridge that crosses a moat to the 17th-century Fort de Roovere. View it from a bit of elevation, though, and the bridge isn't only visible but looks rather puzzling. That's because the bridge—near the coastal town of Halsteren, Holland—doesn't span over ...
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The only art volume you’ll ever need
If you could curate the ultimate art museum with an unlimited budget what works of art would you choose to display?
A team of over 100 editors, art historians and archeologists spent more than a decade tackling that very question. The result of their collective research is displayed in an epic ...
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Waiter, there’s a cat in my soup
Spot Cool Stuff previously reviewed three unusual and creative cereal bowls for kids. The idea in that review was to feature bowls that were affordable, unbreakable and fun. Hidden Animal Bowls fell miserably short of that first criteria and failed to meet the second. But, oh, how they excel at ...
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Satellite photos as home decor
Humans, being wing-less creatures, are used to seeing our world from ground level. Even in the jet age, we are surprised when we view the planet from overhead.
Munich-based designer David Hanauer sought to take advantage of that element of surprised when he created his World Wide carpets. The floor ...
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