Google Earth Carpets

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Humans, being wing-less creatures, are used to seeing our world from ground level. Even in the jet age, we are surprised when we view the planet from overhead.
Munich-based designer David Hanauer sought to take advantage of that element of surprised when he created his World Wide carpets. The floor pieces all use graphics taken from directly from Google Earth.

Hanauer came up with the idea for Google Earth-themed carpets when studying the urban settlement patterns of Las Vegas. The way the Las Vegas suburbs looked in satellite photos struck him as being surreal, almost artistic.
One scene in particular reminded Hanauer of a Persian carpet. So he took that image and placed it into the quadrants of a carpet. The exact same image is used four times, inverted and rotated, to create a center of focus, in keeping with the conventions of Persian carpet design. (Check out this carpet in the first image, below.)
Other cartological carpets followed this one. Many featured scenes from the area around Vegas and Las Angles. But for some Hanauer went further afield, as with his Scandinavian Arctic Woodland carpet. (Last pic, below.) In each case the carpet uses an image taken directly from Google Earth. On some carpets you can even see the Google Earth watermark.
Hanauer’s original Las Vegas carpet is on sale at a boutique store in Germany for €400. Others are available for purchase directly from Hanauer via his website.
If you are seeking something Hanauer-designed but are looking for a smaller item or less expensive purchase, consider getting one of his reversible magnetic frames; they’re sold at New York’s Museum of Modern Art—or on Amazon for $27.

One note: The carpet in the header photo is Hanauer-inspired but not Hanauer-designed. It too was created using Google Earth and can be found today at Sacramento International Airport.

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January 3rd, 2013at 3:45 pm(#)
I think this is by far the coolest new thing. I wish it catches on and big companies can use it. Example, apple using it for their new headquarters. Or our company using it with our google map location as the main focal point. Would be very cool.
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October 4th, 2011at 6:50 am(#)
This is a creative idea, i think that such an item would bring personality to any room.
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