The Interactive Pod Beds
That Know Who You Are

Bedroom | Bedroom Furniture | Furniture | 17 Comments
| All Design Reviews

Imagine a network of interactive multimedia beds—located in hotels and airport lounges around the world—that would automatically know your favorite music, your travel schedule and your television preferences.
Creating that network is the ambitious goal of Yoo-Pod Ltd. and their Somnus-Neu project, named after the ancient Roman god of sleep but billed as “the future of beds.” And with all of these beds’ high tech features it is easy to see why.

The Somnus-Neu bed includes:
• An internet connection, either through wifi or ethernet.
• An entire audio-visual system with an HD video projector and 5-point audio system that includes drivers mounted beneath the mattress—hook up an iPod, watch cable TV or DVDs or stream media online.
• Mechanized curtains and a drop-down screen that can be used to completely enclose the mattress.
• LED lighting under, above and around the bed—turn on a reading light, create your own light show or set a sensual mood.
And all of that is controlled by two retractable 17-inch touch screen monitors (see photo, below).
But the most remarkable feature of the Somnus-Neu beds is the “data chain” that links them together. The users of Somnus-Neu beds are assigned RFID (radio-frequency identification) cards and granted access to a website where they can input their appointment and travel schedule, contact numbers, meeting notes and media preferences. When users arrive at a Somnus-Neu bed an RDIF card reader determines who they are and downloads their data.
So, when you use a Somnus-Neu your bed can automatically play the music you like, wake you for your meetings and inform you of changes in your airline flights.
The makers of the Somnus-Neu are currently negotiating with airlines and hotels for placement of these high-tech beds. Look for them on your travels as early as mid-2010.
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January 16th, 2013at 12:27 am(#)
Hola esta cama me fascina por lo tanto estoy interezada en comprarme una mandame por favor el precio y la manera en la que puedo comunicarme con usted para proceder a la compra saludos .
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June 18th, 2012at 11:25 am(#)
i would love to know the price of this bed, do you ship?
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Tammy Reply:
June 18th, 2012 at 11:31 am
the comment above is for the designer and creator of the Somnus-Neu, grier govorko
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Spot Cool Stuff Reply:
June 21st, 2012 at 11:29 am
Hey Tammy,
As with most of our posts, you can click on LEARN MORE after the text to, well, learn more. You can follow that link and then contact the company directly about price and shipping.
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Tammy Reply:
June 29th, 2012 at 1:06 am
thank-you! c:
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July 8th, 2011at 2:37 am(#)
more to the point tho, than the ramblings on originality : this bed is hideously ugly. No ? Who’d want all this plastic ? It’d be like sleeping in a bath or a bus or something ..
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April 14th, 2011at 5:39 pm(#)
I love this bed !!!!!! what is the cost? And I would love to have some infor on this bed
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June 16th, 2010at 6:32 pm(#)
the cost would be to much money and on top of that it would be stuffy at the same time.
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November 5th, 2009at 3:59 pm(#)
In response to Jami.
I’m the designer and creator of Somnus-Neu – I can say without a hint of a doubt the concept was not “plucked” from Cipher or anywhere else. For 15 years I designed large scale video,lighting and staging and lived in hotel rooms – so the concept was born out of an already existing knowledge of how to bring together various technologies and implement them in such a way that there is a harmonious union, that’s one part of the concept, the second part is recognizing a gaping hole in the “guest-experience” within the hospitality sector, this too was based on first hand knowledge, and the third part – looking at the logical progression of convergent technology and design.
I’m sorry that you find the idea un-original or imitated, which for the latter I can say 100% it isn’t and for the former, well that’s in the eye of the beholder. Apparently in yours it is, but this is not something I can or need to change.
I would suggest never staying in a hotel where Somnus-Neu is the bed, nor ever considering buying one for your house – that way you’ll be sure to remain as pure and original as you like.
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Anthony Reply:
May 16th, 2013 at 11:27 pm
I think that you hit it right on the nail with your wonderful bed, can you have it with massage mode? That would be awesome as well. And for the person who criticized your bed, kudos for you and your educated answer to him…I will be looking forward to the next generation of your bed. I am sure that you are flooded with new ideas for Somnus-Neu 2nd Generation…
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September 1st, 2009at 4:03 pm(#)
Amazing! great ideA!!!
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July 5th, 2009at 11:43 pm(#)
What is imagination and what is real are of course linked. But movies are not real, and this is real.
Just because somebody thought of it in a movie does not lessen the value of improvements in our real life experiences.
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July 5th, 2009at 11:20 pm(#)
It’s RFID. Radio Frequency IDentification.
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Spot Cool Stuff Reply:
July 9th, 2009 at 9:24 am
Master Taco: Ah, right. Thanks.
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June 10th, 2009at 12:10 pm(#)
not impressed its just another example of un original shit being presented as ground breaking etc etc just look at some films that couyld hardly even be called recent like “Cipher” i think thats iuts name with tim robbins where he is having an affir with a grirl who steals id technologhy …he’s an empath etc any that fil has almost identical settings and the tech is almost teh same only well actually the film is more amazing in its imagination aboutr how the id lnked info is presented and the rammifications…What I am trying to tell you is that this design and intent is just another example of fact following fiction what we really want from technology and the accompanying design is that it presents itself as the art form that is desirous o0f being imitated. its iompressive when it compleetly re defines the very edge of what is imaginable…this is all so so nothing re defines the very essence of the imagination anymore. show me the design and tech that does that and then you impress me…dont follow other peoples imagination objectify the very understanding of what is imaginably new. I guess empathy has something to do with that ironically.
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Spot Cool Stuff Reply:
June 11th, 2009 at 1:36 pm
Lighten up there, Francis.
Maybe I don’t understand your objection to this as being “unoriginal.” What other network of beds can automatically warn you of flight delays?
If your point is that real life items often flow from fictional works then I would completely agree. That makes sense, no? The whole process of creativity is one where inspiration turns into an idea turns into a plan turns into reality. People’s ability to dream up a concept by definition comes before (and often well before) the ability to implement it. Would you complain that it was unoriginal and unimaginative when man walked on the moon because it was previously done in movies?
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June 7th, 2009at 2:07 pm(#)
Wow! I’m seriously impressed. Will definitely be on the lookout for these in 2010.
Erica’s last blog post..Make Money With Your Travel Blog
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