The Multimedia Chaise Lounge

Bedroom Furniture | Furniture | Home Office & Study | 8 Comments
| All Design Reviews

On any chaise lounge you can watch television. The Wave Chaise lounge is a television.
The designer of this stunning curved multimedia lounge, Brazilian Roberta Rammê, explained that her work on the Wave Chaise was “inspired by the values and personality of today’s teenager.” We can only presume that the teenage value she is talking about is laziness.
While keeping a slouching position on the Wave Chaise a teenager is able to conduct many of the leisure activities important to that age group: texting and talking on a cell phone (there’s a phone base and charger on the left side of the Wave Chaise), listing to music (the long slot on the right is sized for CDs), reading Teen Vogue and comic books (there’s a bookshelf and reading light within arm’s reach above the slouching teen’s head), and watching TV and playing video games (on the built-in 42-inch flatscreen).
Currently the Wave Chaise is in concept form only. Based on our informal market research, teens would have a very high interest in purchasing the Wave Chaise provided they had enough money—and didn’t have to get off the couch—to do so.
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October 21st, 2012at 4:40 pm(#)
They should really put up a place where we can buy them. I really want one. My house has burned down and i really need a new bed. And a new TV.
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October 9th, 2011at 6:52 pm(#)
I would really like the Wave Chaise. When will it be on the market and for how much?
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January 1st, 2011at 10:10 pm(#)
Hi I just stumbled across this while doing sum online research, that is awesome, how much do they go for?
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Ryan Skolnicki Reply:
October 21st, 2012 at 4:35 pm
Stop asking how much they are. She said that they are not on the market and doesnt know how much they will be.
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November 8th, 2010at 4:28 am(#)
ahhhhh i want one ps is this also a bed cuz a bed would look wierd nest to this lol
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May 29th, 2010at 2:57 pm(#)
OMG i so need 1, u gotta tell me how much it is, i’ll start savin rite now
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May 14th, 2010at 1:15 pm(#)
these beds are sweet,
how much are they?
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March 11th, 2009at 5:53 pm(#)
Just beautiful!!
This all what I need in my bedroom.
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