The Cool Cooling Fan Without Blades

Bedroom | Home Appliances | Home Office & Study | 4 Comments
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Look up “fan” in the dictionary and here what you’ll see:
fan |fan|
1. an apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation.
So what do you call an object designed to create a current of air for cooling or ventilation that doesn’t use rotating blades?
Dyson, an English manufacturer of innovative products, has dubbed their bladeless fan to be an “air multiplier.”

The Dyson Air Multiplier is a device that initially resembles an oversized lens-less magnifying glass or an undersized Quiddich goal. But the more one looks at it, especially in angled light, the more the Air Multiplier looks, well, beautiful. (How many fans can you say that about?)
Here’s how it works: A mini-turbine inside the stand of the Air Multiplier sucks in air from underneath the base of the unit and releases it through a small slit that circumnavigates the “multiplier loop.” At the same time, the 16-degree angle of the loop’s walls naturally pulls air from in extra air too, an effect .
So what does this combination of the mini-turbine and the multiplier loop add up to? A device that produces a perfectly steady stream of air, as opposed to an ordinary fan that blows with slight gusts and lulls. And a device that produces a wind current that blows at a robust 119 gallons of air per second. By contrast, a similarly sized Air King fan (a fan that boasts of its power) musters a mere 87 gallons of air per second.
Of course, the above-mentioned Air King fan costs only $35 while the Dyson Air Multiplier will set you back a cool $300!
Is the Air Multiplier’s high price tag worth it? Strictly speaking, no. There are fans just as or more powerful that cost much less (the especially strong $69 Vornado 733B comes immediately to mind). Then again, the Air Multiplier is especially safe around small kids and pets. It really does produce a more satisfying and regular stream of air. And it looks very cool—good enough to display in an art gallery or high design room.
For those who can afford one the Dyson Air Multiplier will blow you away.
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July 9th, 2011at 3:40 am(#)
My Wife and I love the idea of this fan. Very cool idea, but still a little to pricy. If I told someone I bought a fan for 300 dollars, they would tell me to stand in front of it and cool off.
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June 27th, 2011at 2:33 pm(#)
What?! I’ve never read such over-hyped, PR laden rubbish! This is hilarious! It’s a fan people! All it does is move air around! You’d have to be a total sucker to fall for this, $300! If you put a high enough price on it the idiots will come…
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June 2nd, 2010at 9:17 am(#)
It sounds ineresting. Perhaps when it comes down in price or a competitor comes up with a similar idea. Too rich for my blood!
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December 26th, 2009at 2:15 pm(#)
O_O whoa… Remarkable!!! Vary Smart design.
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