The Building of 65 Shipping Containers

Architecture | Green & Eco-Friendly | Shipping Container Architecture
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What can you make with 65 old, used shipping containers? How about a huge building with an amphitheater, offices and a sustainable development educational center.
Spot Cool Stuff has previously reported on creative shipping container architecture. We’ve had dinner with a prominent shipping container architect who designed Rhode Island’s Box Office. Yet the scope of using 65 shipping containers for such a multi-use structure surprised even us.
The complex of 65 shipping containers is the creation of the Los Angeles-based architectural firm APHIDoIDEA. Acronymically and rather clumsily named the eCORRE (Environmental Center of Regenerative Research Education), the building would primarily serve as an environmental education center for Long Beach, California. The complex includes a public plaza underneath raised and angled shipping containers in the middle of the structure.
Many shipping container buildings consider themselves “green” solely because they use recycled shipping containers in their construction. We like that the eco-friendly aspects of the eCORRE go beyond that. The building’s shipping containers are not only topped with solar panels but are angled towards the sun for maximum efficiency. There’s also a rainwater harvesting system. And on the roof: an entire garden that cools the building and the surrounding area and also doubles as a nature walk.
It will be years, if at all, until the eCORRE becomes reality. We’ll visit and write a review when/if it does. Subscribe to our RSS feed to get that, and all our design blog posts, delivered directly to your email inbox.

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