A Table Through the Forest

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If you are looking at this page while sitting in your drab office cubicle you may want to look away now, lest you be tempted to quit your current job apply for one with PONS or HUOT. Both acronymed companies share an architecturally stunning office in Paris.
Their office is dubbed ‘A Table Through the Forest.’ Look at the photos below and you’ll see why.
The foundation of the PONS and HUOT office, both literally and figuratively, is an oak construction nicknamed the Boîte à Secrets, the Box of Secrets. It’s nearly the height of two stories of a typical house but is used in a way that’s anything but typical. Instead it’s full of curved edges and open spaces through which trees grow. Eight desk nooks are nestled into the design, each with a glass noise shield that’s supposed to evoke the glamor of an old-fashion telephone booth (though to us resemble salad bar sneeze guards). Built into the lower parts of “The Box” are a kitchenette, restrooms, conference rooms and a sort of mini-amphitheater.
The entire Table Through the Forest is inside a 19-century factory that was on the verge of demolition. The architecture firm Pottgiesser & Co. not only revitalized the building but won a Contractworld award and made multitudes of office workers jealous in the process.


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August 3rd, 2011at 10:26 am(#)
omgah.. i thought my office building was cool.. this is such an inventive and creative way to use space!
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March 2nd, 2011at 6:18 am(#)
This looks pretty cool. I would love to work in such an office!
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