The Umbrella That Plays With The Wind

Personal Accessories | 10 Comments
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Mary Poppins would not have gotten far with a Senz umbrella. Her umbrella, like yours probably, catches wind gusts and pulls whatever arm is holding onto the umbrella up and away. And if the wind gust is strong enough it will turn the normal umbrella inside out.

A Senz umbrella is different. It is designed to play with the wind.
While a typical umbrella is like a parachute the Senz is like an airplane wing. The Senz angles airflow around the umbrella, making the Senz usable in gales up to 70 mph (100 km/h). The Senz also shields your eyes from the rain and comes with an opening mechanism integrated in the handle. All of which has earned the Senz umbrella numerous accolades including a Red Dot Design Award, a selection for TIME Magazine’s invention of the year and, of course, Spot Cool Stuff’s endorsement.
Check out the video below that shows the Senz in a wind tunnel, held by people skydiving and used by a passenger on a speeding motorcycle.
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March 7th, 2014at 2:36 am(#)
Can you get two people under the Senz, it doesn’t look like it?
Harvie recently posted..Mac in a Sac Rain Poncho
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November 26th, 2011at 12:24 pm(#)
Even though you wouldn’t want to be outside in gale-force winds, it seems like it would be a good umbrella on just normal stormy days when the wind is pretty strong.
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January 13th, 2011at 6:11 am(#)
I’ve had my large Senz umbrella for about a year and 2months now.
The clasp mechanism on the handle which keeps it up broke and so now its incredibly painful to keep it up – (you have to hold tight both ends, whilst the umbrella’s strong spring action try’s to close the umbrella.)
This has meant that whilst it gains a lot of attention from passers by – there have also been a lot of laughs in my direction as the umbrella closes itself on me.
This product is flawed in many ways, but never turned inside out – it wasn’t as strong as I expected it to be in wind, did occasionally try and take off and certainly didn’t keep my completely dry (just my head) – but it was cool. (when the handle worked).
Still not sure whether it was worth the extortionate cost compared to other umbrella’s though.
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September 1st, 2010at 7:07 pm(#)
I bought the Senz mini, had it for a few months when half of the handle flew off while dangling it in closed position as i was walking. Returned it for a fix, thank goodness for the warranty. Again, after an encounter with a gust maybe 40-50km/h, the thing bent. Still working but bent. After a few more minutes on a long walk with a bent umbrella, it started popping out, then in, then out… then one arm snapped. Ok that wasnt even a storm. I returned the thing, and they replaced it with a new one with a reminder that its not meant to withstand strong winds..uhuh? I told the store I paid premium for it to go against strong winds. In the end I asked if I can just replace it with the bigger one that say tough at “100km/h”. That one is still to be tested. Mind you, it looks good and sharp and ..uhhh urban?when open, looks like a crappy dilapitated umbrella when closed.
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July 26th, 2010at 1:01 pm(#)
“What good is an umbrella in a gale?”
Well, it’s not as good as a good Gore-Tex raincoat.
But wearing a raincoat in the rain doesn’t make you look “urban” and “smart”.
So, that’s why “urban” and “smart” people get wet when it rains hard–because they don’t know any better than to carry an umbrella instead of wearing a rain suit, like anyone in Seattle or Portland knows.
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December 8th, 2009at 2:05 pm(#)
This is a cool website thanks for sharing!
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October 16th, 2009at 9:38 am(#)
to follow up where kth left off, can you make an umbrella for my topless, windowless car?
I just love this car when it is not raining. Top down and all. But once it begins raining…well, let’s just say it makes me wishing for a very sturdy umbrella!
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October 4th, 2009at 1:00 pm(#)
What good is an umbrella in a gale? It’s fine that the thing doesn’t break or blow out of your hand in a high wind, but how does it keep the water off of you if, due to the wind, it’s coming horizontally?
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July 27th, 2009at 3:43 pm(#)
If you purchase through Amazon then I believe you can have it shipped to an APO address, yes.
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July 14th, 2009at 7:24 am(#)
Can you ship to an APO address?
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