Somnus-Neu aims to create the first multimedia bed network
Imagine a network of interactive multimedia beds—located in hotels and airport lounges around the world—that would automatically know your favorite music, your travel schedule and your television preferences.
Creating that network is the ambitious goal of Yoo-Pod Ltd. and their Somnus-Neu project, named after the ancient Roman god of sleep ...
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Check out the Pelican, the Townhouse, the Standard and the Sanctuary
Yes, there are high design Miami hotels that offer high value too. We've scoured the options and found four especially worthy. Looking for optimal funkiness? The Pelican Hotel is the choice. A beautiful beachfront location? The Townhouse. A pool and spa resort? The Standard. And if you want to be ...
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A sleek toilet paper holder holds magazines too
In the United States, reading and toilets go together like, well, toilet paper and toilets. The average American spends nearly 41 hours a year reading on the toilet. We couldn't find statistics for toilet reading in other countries, but it must be an international phenomena because best designed combination toilet-paper-holder-and-magazine-rack ...
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The incredible Senz Umbrella
Mary Poppins would not have gotten far with a Senz umbrella. Her umbrella, like yours probably, catches wind gusts and pulls whatever arm is holding onto the umbrella up and away. And if the wind gust is strong enough it will turn the normal umbrella inside out.
A Senz umbrella is ...
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Find contractors, design inspiration and home furnishings online
Home remodeling and decoration has been part of owning a house for as long as there have been houses to own. (Even back in the caveman days we can imagine Mrs. Caveman working to remodel the fire pit area while Mr. Caveman sought to improve his spear storage area.) In ...
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Amazing structures built from packaging
Shipping containers. You've seen them on trains, on the back of trucks, at ports and piled onto cargo ships. There more than 20 million of those steel 40 by 8 feet (12 by 2.4 meter) boxes scattered around the world. That's more than were needed even before the current economic ...
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